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Drunk Driving Essay

How To Write A Drunk Driving Essay? (+20 Bonus Topics!)

The issue of drinking and driving has been in the public limelight for decades now. What is heartbreaking about this topic are the devastating negative impacts. That is why it would seem close to impossible to miss a drunk driving persuasive essay assignment.

Essay About Drunk Driving – What You Need To Know

It would be best to have a fresh perspective or modify the existing information into exciting content that can attract new readers. Getting the best writing professionals can save you a lot of time and effort.

However, before you seek essay writing help, here are the fundamentals of this persuasive paper:

  1. It would help if you used verifiable facts and statistics
  2. Be cautious of the diction you use since there may be victims reading your essay
  3. Using personal experiences would be a good idea but remember to keep emotions out of your paper
  4. Include working solutions, not merely suggestions
  5. For effectiveness, watch the latest news headlines touching on the issue

Strive to make it as captivating as possible to attract readers and make your paper stand out. Who knows? Your essay might be used by one of the international bodies as a benchmark during a conference.

Drunk Driving Essay Sample

Driving is one of the privileges citizens of the free world enjoy. The right of driving comes with responsibilities which is why most countries require minimum age before the right to drive can be enjoyed. Drivers are not only responsible for their own interests but also the interests of fellow drivers and pedestrians. We have laws against drunk driving because drunk drivers do not only endanger themselves but also impose huge financial and social costs on the society.

When individuals are drunk, there have slow reaction rates, blurred vision, and reduced judgment capabilities. As a result, they are more likely to be involved in crash. In addition to posing a danger to themselves and fellow occupants, they also pose danger to other drivers as well as pedestrians. The consequences are often quite grave including life-altering disabilities and death.

Driving under the influence is a crime and may result in professional setbacks. DUI convictions may appear in background checks conducted by employers and result in the offender losing on the job he/she might have gotten otherwise. In addition , time and money is also lost in dealing with lawyers and the court system. Other economic and social costs include higher auto insurance rates, deteriorating work relationships with professional co-workers and acquaintances, and deteriorating personal relationships.

Drunk driving imposes huge economic and social costs on both the individual and the society. Actions go but consequences remain, often for lifetime, thus, individuals should take every measure to ensure they do not have to sit behind wheelswhen under the influence of alcohol.

Drunk Driving Essay Structure

How to start an essay on drunk driving depends on your grasp of its outline and structure. If you find yourself getting stuck along the way, then it means you skipped a step in either of the two. Before you begin your essay, think about the following first:

  • Conduct extensive research from reputable sources (books, newspapers, news)
  • Check how the findings match your topic. Do they agree or disagree with it?
  • Draft the main points with brief explanations
  • Start your essay

The writing process will be fun if you have followed the steps above correctly. Let us look at the drunk driving essay structure:

Drunk Driving Essay Intro

Provide a background context of your topic. If you are writing a ‘how to prevent drunk driving essay’ – give details on the impacts of drunk driving and why we should prevent it by all means possible.

Include a straightforward thesis statement at the end of the introductory paragraph. It will determine the direction that your essay will take.

The Body of A Drunk Driving Essay

It is where you argue out your points to convince your reader. The arguments should appear hierarchically. Use relevant examples to give your paper a human aspect.

The structure of the body paragraphs is:

  • A topic sentence
  • An explanation
  • Examples to support the argument

You can use styles such as satire to make your body paragraphs thrilling.

Drunk Driving Essay Conclusion

Give a summary of your arguments while restating your thesis statement. An excellent way to end your essay would be to use a call to action at the end. For example, ‘let us all join hands in stopping drunk driving!’

Drunk Driving Essay Topics

To give you a head start on what to do, our guru writers have compiled a list of 20+ top-notch topics for your inspiration. You can modify the topics or use them as they are for your next essay assignment.

How To Prevent Drunk Driving Essay Topics

  1. Discuss the role of the traffic police department in mitigating drunk driving
  2. Is it possible to stop drunk drivers from starting the car engine?
  3. Should drunk drivers face lifetime jail terms for such an offense?
  4. What legislations can help curb drunk driving?

How Has Drunk Driving Affected Victims Essay Topics

  1. Physical and psychological impacts of drunk driving
  2. Why most victims of drunk driving do not want to be on the road again
  3. Do insurance firms cover affected victims of drunk driving?

Mothers Against Drunk Driving Essay Topics

  1. How drunk driving has contributed to the rising number of widows
  2. Why mothers are the most concerned about drunk driving
  3. How drunk driving has separated mothers from their children

Why Not To Drink And Drive Essay Topics

  1. Adverse effects of drinking and driving
  2. Why drinking and driving might cost you your life
  3. Alternative means of reaching home after drinking

Drinking And Driving Solution Essay Topics

  1. Using technology to prevent drinking and driving
  2. Is the Alco blow significant?
  3. Introducing hefty fines for drunk drivers

Negative Effects of Drunk Driving Essay Topics

  1. Loss of lives
  2. Medical expenses
  3. Road carnage
  4. Compensation expenses

Our pro writers are ready to offer you fast and affordable assistance online for your drunk driving essay. Try us today!

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