An IB Extended Essay Writing Service You Can Trust

Top extended essay writing service for IB program students seeking high scores.
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from$5.85per 100 words
  • Top-tier academic talent
  • Plagiarism-free content
  • Extensive research
  • Any formatting style
  • Free title page
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  • Free abstract

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Each academic paper is carefully edited to correct mistakes and improve clarity.


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Experts review your assignment to ensure it meets IB standards before delivery.

Frequently Asked Questions Explained

Find answers to common questions about our IB extended essay writing service.
  • What’s the best way to get IB extended essay help?


    If you’ve made it this far, you probably already know this one: buy IB extended essay guidance, and we’ll put you in touch, after an initial consultation, with a professional writer whose expertise matches your subject of interest. Get personalized support on editing, proofreading, structure revision, and assessment criteria!

  • How long is the extended essay?


    Students may write up to 4,000 words, though it’s ok not to be exact. Within that span, students should include an introduction, discussion of research methods, multi-part body, and conclusion. If you buy an extended essay from us, our tutors will help you decide how much space to dedicate to each section.

  • Can you tell me how to write an extended essay?


    Teaching the process of extended writing is what we do best! Reach out for a consultation, and we’ll help you learn how to master topic selection, methodology, organizational structure, and other important steps. Before you know it, your paper will have devolved from an intimidating behemoth into smaller, manageable chunks.

  • Will I be matched with an IB extended essay writer?


    Our extended essay writing service relies on the expertise and experience of professional writers who already know how to write a successful EE. We match each student with someone who specializes in their field, and who then provides one-on-one support through direct communication until the paper is finally turned in.

  • Why should I bother with an IB writing service?


    Many students are capable of producing outstanding IB extended essays without seeking professional help. Many others are not. If you haven’t done something like this before, it’s hard to say with certainty to which camp you belong. Consulting a writing service is your guaranteed way to find out and, if necessary, correct accordingly.

  • Doesn’t an IB extended essay writing service mean extra work?


    On the contrary. Anyone can type “write my extended essay for me” into ChatGPT and get quick results (and potentially incur serious disciplinary action). But students who consult professional services build their writing skills now and for their college careers. The long-term benefits far outweigh the short-term costs.

The Best IB Extended Essay Writing Service!
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Achieving Excellence With Our IB Extended Essay Writing Service

Each year, extended essay writers worldwide, in pursuit of their International Baccalaureate diploma, face the threat of the submission deadline; stressing over its demands, they prepare for sleepless nights and, perhaps, even seek guidance online. What is the IB extended essay? Rather than an exam, it is an academic research paper that allows students to showcase independent research skills on subjects of their choosing. But despite the EE’s importance – as a core component of the Diploma Programme, it is required for everyone – students often struggle to meet its high bars for topic selection, research, and logical structure.

Our job is to help students meet those bars and take on the challenge in stride. Keep reading to learn how you can turn in original, sophisticated work with custom writing advice.

Here’s the Pitch: Why Buy IB Extended Essay Assistance?

For high marks on the extended essay, the IB expects you to demonstrate not just a deep understanding of your subject; you also have to present your ideas rationally, forcefully, and with the capacity for critical thinking required of future academics. Formatted properly with references and bibliography included. Oh, and in up to 4,000 words.

These requirements cannot be overcome with answer keys and Google pleas for someone to “please help me write my extended essay!” The EE accounts for one third of the Diploma Programme core and, alongside Theory of Knowledge, can award three extra points towards your overall diploma grade. Even if IB guidelines did not ask for systematic analysis and complex argumentation – which they do – the EE would still be the longest written work many students have ever attempted.


Those who want to be prepared will therefore find an extended essay writing service to help them navigate such uncharted territory. By signing up for an IB writing service, students gain access to mentors and resources that can demystify assessment criteria which, at first glance, seem hopelessly ambiguous. Seeking professional assistance does not just provide a competitive edge in the short run; in the long run, it ensures that your first experience with real independent research is fulfilling and inspiring. In other words, our writers strive to help you build the skills necessary for academic achievement, but also the passion to make the assignment, far from a miserable tearfest, instead a chance to display newfound confidence and creative thinking.

What Do IB Extended Essay Writers Do, Exactly?

The choice is simple: you can take on extended writing alone, or you can buy extended essay support for an extra boost. The former does not guarantee failure, of course, but the latter will simply make your life easier. Rather than spend hours trying to interpret the IB’s guidelines yourself, why not work with experts who already know them and can make sure your writing is in compliance? Rather than stress over your own choice of topic – which, remember, is supposed to be exciting! – why not workshop your research questions with tutors who know how to make students’ writing both unique and appropriate? Rather than risk writing an underdeveloped essay, lacking the caliber of tone, depth, and clarity at which students “stand out” on all-important college applications, why not seek out instructors who can see to it that, with astute editing and revision advice, your IB extended essay ends up the best that it can be?

With our IB extended essay writing services, you don’t have to hate this. Think of us like personal trainers at the gym whose goals are to help you grow and, should you misunderstand instructions at first, prevent you from injuring yourself. At the end of high school, when “overwhelming” becomes the watchword of exam and application season, we offer through extensive academic and curricular experience the chance to make at least one 4,000-word hurdle easier to clear.

Writing IB Extended Essays: Our Key Features

Students who purchase our extended essay writing service are entitled to a comprehensive package of resources. Beginning with an initial consultation to understand your needs, and continuing until your extended writing is finally turned in, we provide:

  • Personalized, one-on-one support
  • Direct communication with writers – no proxies or opaque chatbots
  • Original, plagiarism-free content
  • Detailed review of the IB extended essay format, including guideline coverage, assessment criteria, and instruction in formatting standards

Along the way, we offer additional support to students who need help with editing, proofreading, feedback provision, and other resources conducive to effective essay-writing. Ultimately, students don’t just absorb trade secrets from writers who know what “makes” a successful research paper; they also learn how professional revision can mark the difference between amateurish, high school-level work and promising, college-level writing. With our assistance, your ideas will develop into serious, sophisticated contributions to knowledge that, when aligned with passion, can set you up for long-term academic success.

Can’t You Just Write My Extended Essay For Me?

Our IB writing service offers extensive knowledge and experience from writers who are matched with students according to their area of expertise. In other words, our IB extended essay writing service does not need to write all of your essays from scratch in order for them to achieve high scores. Here are some success stories from students who have used us in the past:

  • “I was panicking worrying about how I was going to get it done. The tutor was so patient working through my mistakes and helped me express what I wanted to say.”
  • “This service is amazing! Super knowledgeable writers for a reasonable price. Made my life so much easier!”
  • “Highly recommend to anyone who’s never written a paper this long before. Michael helped me turn my work into something I could be proud of.”

Beyond the IB Extended Essay: Retaining What You Learn

As we’ve suggested, working with our tutors gives students a competitive edge when writing IB extended essays. What makes our service special is that it prepares the IB extended essay writer themself for what comes next. Believe it or not, this is not the last nor longest paper you will ever write. But by improving research and writing skills in preparation for this assignment, we aim to mold students into scholars who acquire deep understanding of their subject but also, more importantly, are better prepared for university-level research. Perhaps our best advice is to see the EE as a trial run for your college career, one that when executed well will set you up for long-term success.

Why Use Our IB Extended Essay Writing Services?

We’ve discussed the importance of the IB extended essay, how students can prepare for it by seeking IB extended essay help online, and why our custom services are best suited for providing personalized support from tutors who know the guidelines inside and out. Let’s conclude by remembering that this paper doesn’t have to be as challenging or stressful as it seems, or perhaps has already been. Ultimately, your independent research is a reflection of how much you care about your academic passions. “Figuring out the process” yourself is not a badge of honor so much as a recipe for unnecessary stress. Do yourself a favor and work smarter than harder; reach out for help, and your well-being and essay will be all the better for it.