How much does an essay cost?
Our prices reflect the high quality of services we offer.
Get a paper with all-new, original content written in line with your teacher’s vision.
from$5.85per 100 words
  • Top academic talent

    Our team comprises 500+ experts with Master’s and PhD degrees, handpicked for you through a rigorous screening process.

  • Original content

    Every project is checked for plagiarism twice: against what’s on the internet, and our experts’ catalog of past works.

  • In-depth research

    Your expert will conduct all the necessary research and surveys, crucial to the success of your project.

  • Any formatting style
  • Free title page
  • Free plagiarism report
  • Free abstract
Save with Each Order
Get a point for every dollar spent - unlock fixed discounts,
and use them on your future projects.
5% Off
all-time total: 750 points
10% Off
all-time total: 1,500 points
15% Off
all-time total: 3,000 points
  • Can you please write my project for free?

    Since we provide only plagiarism-free content, we believe it’s our duty to have the experts in charge of your work properly compensated for their original input, knowledge and skill. That’s why we don’t offer content free of charge. It's totally up to you do decide how much to pay someone to write a paper but remember - the only free cheese is in the mousetrap.

  • How can I be sure that payment is safe?

    We only work with the most reliable payment systems like Apple Pay and Google Pay, so all your transactions are securely processed. Also, we never disclose your financial information to third parties.

  • Can you tell me more about the loyalty program?

    You get a point for every dollar spent. All your points are automatically calculated to unlock one of the three discount levels: 5% OFF, 10% OFF, and 15% OFF. A current discount will apply to all your papers until you achieve the next level. So, how much does it cost to write an essay? It all depends on how often you order!

  • I have a large project. Can I pay in chunks?

    If you are tasked with a project whose price exceeds $500, we can break down your payment into convenient, interest-free installments. This way, you can pay for your paper without having to break the bank.

  • What’s a Stack and how do I order it?

    A Stack is basically having one expert completing all your assignments within a single course. Submit your request, and we’ll get back to you with a quote. We may also need to clarify the details before you place an order.

  • How much do essays cost? Can I save if I give a longer deadline?

    We charge from $5.85 for 100 words written from scratch with a deadline of 15 days or more. If your project has a set deadline that is a long time away, you can place an order in advance, and get up to 50% OFF. Each such discount depends on your project’s type and complexity, and is calculated individually.

  • Who will revise my project if I need it? Is it free?

    Every paper is reviewed by our QA team before we send it. However, if you are not entirely happy with the result, you can request revisions. Your expert will provide them for free within a 10-day period.