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To Kill a Mockingbird Essay

To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Guide: Your Sure Way To Top Grades!

An essay on To Kill a Mockingbird scares many students stiff. The thought of reading this book by Harper Lee makes matters worse. However, this should not be the case. After all, education was meant to be fun, right?

Let’s help you kill this mocking essay painstakingly!

What is To Kill a Mockingbird Book?

It is a fascinating narration by Harper Lee focusing on Atticus Finch’s attempts to prove the innocence of Tom Robinson. The latter is a black man facing false accusations of having raped a white woman in 1930s, Alabama. Sounds interesting.

Now that we have a general perspective of the novel from the summary above let’s look at something that most college students miss.

To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Questions

Before you begin writing To Kill a Mockingbird Analytical essay, there are some questions that you have to set out. These will help you unearth precious findings on the characters, plot, theme, and message of the novel.

Some of the questions you can ask yourself include:

  1. How does the childhood world of Dill, Jem, and Scout, and their relationship with Boo Radley set the stage?
  2. What is the role of Atticus in the community?
  3. What is the purpose of a family in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Using these questions, you can, therefore, identify themes in To Kill a Mockingbird and walk away with top-tier essay. One that Lee’s skeleton would give a standing ovation.

You wouldn’t want to miss this next part!

To Kill A Mockingbird Prejudice Essay Sample

Prejudice within a community can often result in misunderstandings, which can then lead to hatred, and ultimately violence. In Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, we see how prejudice tears apart the peaceful community of Maycomb. Maycomb is initially depicted as an ideal town, but Lee uses the theme of prejudice to show how it can spread within a community and harm, or even kill, those who are vulnerable. In the novel, prejudice affects the most vulnerable members of Maycomb in different ways: Tom Robinson is falsely convicted and killed when making his escape; Boo isolates himself, wishing to remain apart from society; and Scout and Jem are attacked violently by Bob Ewell, although their experience teaches them to understand the dangers of prejudice within a society.

Tom Robinson is perhaps the most vulnerable person in Maycomb, because his vulnerability stems from racist social attitudes. Tom’s vulnerability stems from the fact that he is an African-American living in a racist culture. When Scout asks, “Atticus, are we going to win it?” in a reference to the trial, Atticus simply responds, “No, honey” (Lee 78). This shows how Atticus already realizes that there is no justice for persons of color in Maycomb; before the trial even begins, Atticus knows he is doomed to fail because a jury will never find him innocent, even if that is the truth. Atticus takes the job because he is asked to, but also because he believes it is the ethical and moral thing to do. By defending Tom, he is attempting to defend him against the racist social attitudes of the town, but he knows that because the racism is so pervasive, he has no chance of actually winning the trial.

Boo Radley’s vulnerability stems from his social awkwardness. Although he is a kind-hearted person, as demonstrated when he eventually saves Jem and Scout from Bob Ewell’s attack, he has long been ridiculed by the residents of Maycomb for being different. As a result, he has remained a shut-in for most of his adult life, which in turn makes him subject to being called creepy or reclusive. He has been unable to integrate with society, because the residents of Maycomb have treated him so negatively over the years due to his social awkwardness and differences. At first, Jem and Scout accept the town’s view that Boo Radley should be treated differently because he appears to be creepy. By the end of the novel, however, the children realize that it was prejudice that made Boo want to hide in his home. Scout says, “I’m beginning to understand why Boo Radley’s stayed shut up in the house all the time…it’s because he wants to stay inside” (Lee 231). This occurs after the trial, when Scout finally realizes how prejudice can have dire consequences. Although she was initially fearful of Boo Radley, after seeing what happened to Tom after the trial, she is beginning to understand how prejudice can cause actual harm, and even death. She realizes that because Boo is also treated differently by Maycomb society, that Boo must think it safer to stay home all the time and not interact with anyone. Boo’s vulnerability is a result of his social awkwardness and inability to function in society in the way he might be expected to, so to avoid being treated with prejudice, he avoids society altogether as a way to protect himself.

Scout and Jem’s vulnerability stems from the fact that they are children, and have not yet adopted the prevailing social attitudes of the town. They are also targeted because of their association with Atticus; not only are they called names by other children in the town, but they are eventually attacked by Bob Ewell, who was embarrassed in the trial. Scout describes the events of the attack as, “His stomach was soft but his arms were like steel. He slowly squeezed the breath out of me. I could not move” (Lee 266). This shows how prejudice can often devolve into actual physical violence. Scout and Jem are attacked by Bob Ewell because they are innocent and vulnerable, and this is the best way that Bob can think of to have his revenge for being embarrassed by the trial. Scout and Jem do not share the racist attitudes of the town, and neither does Atticus. However, Atticus is not as vulnerable because he is grown and already a prominent figure in the town. Scout and Jem, as children, are vulnerable because they are weak, and because they are the children of the man who stood up to Bob Ewell at the trial, by not believing his lies, they are attacked.

Throughout the novel, the effects of prejudice are shown in different ways, all of which are negative: Tom is unfairly placed on trial, convicted, and ultimately killed when he tries to escape; Boo Radley is forced to either live in isolation, or live a life where he is constantly being ridiculed; and Scout and Jem are physically attacked by a man seeking revenge on their father. By the end of the novel, all of these events are interconnected: Scout and Jem are called names and attacked because their father defended Tom, but Boo Radley is able to come to their defense and kills Bob Ewell with a knife. This shows how even though Tom did not face justice during his life, he was able to find justice after his death, when Bob Ewell, the man who essentially framed him, is killed.

To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Prompts

From this 281 page novel, we can derive thousands upon thousands of writing ideas for different papers. Nevertheless, we will only explore the icing of the cake to motivate you into reaching out for the real piece of the pie.

  1. Explore the arrival of Dill in Maycomb and his encounter with Scout and Jem
  2. What motivates the trio to make Boo Radley abandon his house?
  3. What are the reasons for Scout’s dislike for school?
  4. What is the significance of Atticus sitting outside Tom Robinson’s prison cell?
  5. Why does the trial begin despite Tom being innocent?

To Kill a Mockingbird Themes Essay Writing Ideas

Let’s say you wish to write on one of the themes in this novel. How do you go about it? Read on to find inspiring writing prompts:

  1. How the subject of fear helps us see the behaviour of certain people in different situations
  2. How does the novel approach the idea of the coexistence of good and evil?
  3. The perspective of moral education in the novel
  4. Look at the existence of social inequality
  5. Examine prejudice concerning race

To Kill a Mockingbird Courage Essay Inspirations

  1. Show how Tom fights the Jim Crow laws.
  2. Explore how a young boy tries to protect his sister and the results
  3. How Boo’s action of not leaving his house is a courageous step
  4. Explain Tom’s brave act of trying to make Mayella’s life better
  5. How does Mrs. Dubose’s determination to be morphine-free show courage?

To Kill a Mockingbird Characters: How to Write on Them

Use the following clues:

  • Their age
  • What is their race?
  • Their relationship with one another
  • What role do they play

Finding out such facts will help you stand at a better scoring position.

Topic Ideas in To Kill a Mockingbird Essay

Whether you have read To Kill a Mockingbird summary or the book cover to cover, these topic ideas will be a great start for you:

  1. Discuss justice in To Kill a Mockingbird
  2. Analyze how Boo Radley’s relationship and the children change throughout the book
  3. Discuss why Atticus is respected throughout Maycomb despite his open criticism
  4. Analyze power and limitations existing within the legal system
  5. Examine the role of the family in the novel
  6. Tom’s attempted escape and his shooting
  7. Why was Judge Taylor’s home broken into
  8. Discuss the part of Maycomb town in the novel
  9. Can we criticize Atticus’s approach to parenting?
  10. What does the bird symbolize?

Whether you are looking at characters in To Kill a Mockingbird or themes, topic ideas are everywhere.

Feel free to use any of the prompts and topics above for your assignment or our professional essay writing help today.

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